Reviving Lives and Nurturing Circular Futures: Natalie Davies and BINGO Industries
In a celebration of innovation, commitment, and sustainability at the Circularity 2023 ACE Awards, each winner was bestowed with a unique masterpiece titled "Caring for Country," created by Natalie ‘Nanii’ Davies, Indigenous Engagement Manager at BINGO Industries.
This captivating artwork visually narrates the circular practices model, showcasing how modern solutions align with traditional Aboriginal culture for the betterment of our planet.
The 2023 ACE Awards recognised outstanding achievements within the sustainability sector, with the Full Circle Award winner (Ryan Swenson, CEO of Circonomy) receiving the original “Caring for Country” piece. Other esteemed award winners were acknowledged with framed reproduction prints of the piece. This artistic representation serves as a testament to the profound connection between circular practices and Aboriginal values, fostering collaboration and adaptation in contemporary care for Country.
Natalie ‘Nanii’ Davies, a beacon of change and Indigenous leadership, not only contributes to the ACE Awards but also spearheads transformative projects at BINGO Industries. One noteworthy initiative is the REvive program, a collaborative effort with NSW Corrective Services, Yalagan Group, and Djurwa, providing training and employment opportunities to rehabilitated First Nations offenders. The program offers selected candidates a chance to turn their lives around through process manufacturing training, leading to full-time employment with BINGO Industries upon completion.
Under Nanii’s guidance, BINGO Industries has formed a robust partnership with Yalagan Group, resulting in the establishment of Djurwa, an Indigenous waste management company founded in 2021. This collaboration emphasises BINGO Industries’ commitment to circularity and resource recovery, showcasing how corporate initiatives can align with environmental and social responsibility.
“Despite COVID and everything else that came our way, we never gave up as we believed in doing something good for our people and we wanted to give Indigenous women and men a chance for a real change, with real employment, training and careers in both pre and post release employment,” said Natalie ‘Nanii’ Davies. “With BINGO joining forces with NSW Corrective Services, Yalagan and Djurwa, we can bring real value to this program by providing candidates with sustainable career paths”.
The REvive program exemplifies BINGO’s dedication to meaningful impact and community support. Natalie ‘Nanii’ Davies, affectionately known as ‘auntie’ to some of BINGO’s younger employees, serves as a mentor and advocate for 31 First Nations staff, empowering and advancing their lives. The success stories emerging from the program underscore its transformative potential, with participants thriving and becoming valuable team members at BINGO.
As ‘Caring for Country’ symbolises hope, action, and collaboration between people and dreaming innovation, Nanii’s initiatives at BINGO echo the sentiment. The company’s commitment to circular practices extends beyond waste management, creating a positive domino effect in the lives of program participants and the broader community. Through partnerships, mentorship, and sustainable employment opportunities, BINGO Industries, led by Natalie ‘Nanii’ Davies, is shaping a future where circularity and resource recovery coalesce for the well-being of both people and the planet.
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