BINGO receives approval for Recycling Water Treatment Plant
BINGO has reached a significant milestone in securing Department of Planning and Environment development approval for the Patons Lane Recycling Water Treatment Plant (RWTP) and Leachate Treatment Plant (LTP). This coincides with the reactivation of BINGO’s Patons Lane Landfill, which commenced operations on 3 July 2023.
“The project will change the Construction & Demolition (C&D) recycling landscape in NSW through diversion of waste soils from landfill,” said Brad Searle, acting Chief Growth Officer at BINGO.
“The Patons Lane Recycling Water Treatment Plant will see BINGO improve the quality of recovered soils, sands and aggregates through washing. This will further increase our waste diversion rates, and bring us another step closer to achieving our vision of a waste free Australia.
“It also delivers on the objectives set out in NSW Government’s Waste and Sustainable Materials Strategy 2041. Stage 1 – 2021-2027.
“This project reinforces BINGO’s commitment and investment in advanced recycling infrastructure across the east coast of Australia, with hundreds of millions of dollars already invested in recent years.”
The recycling water treatment plant will complement the existing state-of-the-art dry waste recycling facility at the Patons Lane Resource Recovery precinct in Greater Western Sydney.
The wet process cutting-edge technology to be deployed at Patons Lane has been developed, tried and tested overseas to maximise the recovery of sand and aggregate.
Washing of soils from C&D waste will reduce the amount of soils ending up in landfill while maximising the quantity and quality of recovered products.
The recycled products will be reused in property and infrastructure projects, reducing the reliance on virgin natural materials and delivering a circular outcome for the industry.
Construction works have already commenced and the plant is expected to be operational in early 2024.
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