Matthew Askeland
Victorian Environment Lead, ADE Consulting Group
“I regularly address international and national conferences on resource recovery and the circular economy, emphasizing the need to protect material flows from contamination. I also collaborate closely with industry to identify potential barriers to circular practices and resource recovery (See CV attached). Informally, I advocate for sustainable choices in my personal and professional networks, promoting the avoidance of non-recyclable or single-use products like disposable coffee cups. This has fostered a culture of responsible decision-making, particularly in domestic purchases, considering product longevity and packaging considerations. My actions align with Sustainable Development Goal 17, setting a positive example for responsible consumption and production. In the complex field of the circular economy, I invest substantial time visiting industrial clients and keeping up with literature to stay updated on contamination issues. I actively collaborate with circular economy leaders, gaining insights into specific industry challenges and co-creating solutions. My professional work involves adopting a systems thinking approach to analyse mass flows and risks in various circular economies like organics, soils, and tyres. By doing so, I aim to prevent contaminants from hindering circularity and address information gaps that create uncertainty and hinder market uptake.”