23-24 Jul 2025
ICC Sydney

Speaker Profile

Usha Iyer-raniga

RMIT University

Prof Iyer-Raniga is an internationally recognised scholar in sustainability and circular economy. Usha is co-lead of the Circular Built Environment (CBE) working group established under the GlobalABC / One Planet Network’s Materials Hub hosted by UNEP and jointly implemented by UNEP, UNOPS and UN Habitat. In Australia, Usha led the research for the Integrated Circular Economy, Climate Change and Clean Energy Platform (IC3P) and was also the lead of the Victorian Circular Activator (VCA). Both these projects considered the nexus of circular practices in the built environment and the role of transitioning the current ecosystem to one that is circular. Usha has over 200 publications, including authored and edited books, book chapters, journal articles and reports. She has led special editions for various impactful publications.

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